Our Structure


The SETS Community of Practice is structured into a number of groups.

The SETSCoP Forum brings together all SETS providers for a face-to-face two-day national knowledge and practice sharing forum.

The State and Territory Best Practice Meetings bring together SETS providers in each jurisdiction.

There are also National Thematic Subgroups open to all SETSCoP Members and SETS provider staff, designed to share experiences and best practice. Each subgroup coalesce around the co-design and co-production of practical outcomes and resources. The National Thematic Subgroups each meet three times per year.




Thematic Subgroups

SETSCoP members participate in opt-in sub-groups that meet four-monthly. These include:

• Employment
• Youth
• Community Capacity Building
• Health & Mental Health
• Housing, Cost of Living & Financial Capacity
• Regional
• Ethno- and Religious-Specific
• Domestic & Family Violence (DFV)
• Operations, Partnerships & Reporting



CEO Forums


SETSCoP facilitates CEO Forums on a regular basis to provide an opportunity for CEOs and Managers who lead SETS service providers to raise key issues, hear the latest updates from the Department of Home Affairs regarding the settlement of refugees and vulnerable migrants and begin the development of key resources for the settlement sector. One example of this is the National Workforce Competencies for Settlement Practitioners, which was developed in response to comments made in this group.


If you are a leader in a SETS service provider and want to be invited to these Zoom meetings, please email secretariat@setscop.org.au 



Submissions and Reports


Migration Council Australia regularly publish reports for the sector and submission to government, which provide best practice, research and considered responses, after gaining insights from experts across the settlement sector.

Find below submissions and reports submitted to date by clicking the button below


Submissions and Comminiques



National SETSCoP Member Forum

The National Forum will bring the SETSCoP members together to engage across the sector—as well as with policymakers and industry experts—on pathways to improving economic and social participation and the wellbeing of refugees and vulnerable migrants.


Learn more